
Review of Haida Slot-In Filters

  Review by: Scintillation Besides our trusty tripod, landscape photographers would oftentimes carry a set of filters - be it slot-ins or screw-ons. For me, I opted for the former as...

Review of Haida Slot-In Filters

  Review by: Scintillation Besides our trusty tripod, landscape photographers would oftentimes carry a set of filters - be it slot-ins or screw-ons. For me, I opted for the former as...

FAQ - Neutral Density filters

What is Neutral Density filters? - Simple terms, it's a filter that's mount in front of lens (either screw on/slot into a holder) that blocks light transmitted into camera.  Think...

FAQ - Neutral Density filters

What is Neutral Density filters? - Simple terms, it's a filter that's mount in front of lens (either screw on/slot into a holder) that blocks light transmitted into camera.  Think...

Neutral Density Filters - What & Why?

In today photography context many effects can be done by post-processing using photosphop software or similarly powerful editing tools.  However one of those that can't be done post processed is...

Neutral Density Filters - What & Why?

In today photography context many effects can be done by post-processing using photosphop software or similarly powerful editing tools.  However one of those that can't be done post processed is...